Saturday, November 27, 2010

Anyone that knows me well knows I'm not a religious person.  Not just that, I straight up despise religion and see it for what it is; a waste of human thought and a scourge to our society.  This picture sums up my thoughts on religion rather succinctly: 

You don't want to know how many dick photos I had to go through to find a "good enough" picture.

Why do I feel this way?  Between the antiquated beliefs holding society and science back, to those same beliefs causing the persecution of women, homosexuals, "coloured" people, non-believers, etc., I feel there are more than enough reasons that I shouldn't have to explain myself.  And judging by that photo up there it's pretty obvious I'm not always so awesome at forming my thoughts and explanations into words.  I read a nice article today about the subject of not believing and why and I'd like to share it here.

Not all believers are desperate for this so-called seal of approval, but the writer of this article explains exactly who she's talking about right away.  Read it, she's a better writer than I.

lol the pope has a penis in his face!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

lol aids

Fantastic news today about HIV and AIDS and combating the disease and such and such but the way the media is reporting the story is a bit suspect:

Pill Prevents HIV In Gay Men

Here's a tip:  gay men and straight men are basically the same genetically.  Being straight doesn't somehow magically make this pill ineffective.  So a young gay man that doesn't yet fully realize he's gay wouldn't be able to get the benefits from this pill?  By reading the article one learns that gay men with HIV and AIDS are the ones generally receiving these pills as part of their treatment, but the headline is misleading and only helps to compartmentalize a part of the human population instead of treating them as humans period.

As a great man once said, "People are people so why should it be that you and I should get along so awfully?"

Maybe "great man" was a bit of a stretch.  But I bet he could really use this pill.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Huge news!

NME is reporting that My Chemical Romance's latest album, their fourth, could be their last!  Speaking with the Sunday Times, lead singer Gerard Way said that the album "could be our last big adventure - that's why we had to make it again, that's why blah blah blah blah blah."

Look at those retards.  My god, man.

While this could turn out to be incredible news if that emo douchebag is telling the truth, one has to wonder what the world did to deserve four albums from My Chemical Romance.

You know what's a hundred times better than My Chemical Romance?  This:

Real Music.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

If my cat were a member of a political Islamic fascist organization that organization's name would be Fuzzbollah.