Saturday, November 27, 2010

Anyone that knows me well knows I'm not a religious person.  Not just that, I straight up despise religion and see it for what it is; a waste of human thought and a scourge to our society.  This picture sums up my thoughts on religion rather succinctly: 

You don't want to know how many dick photos I had to go through to find a "good enough" picture.

Why do I feel this way?  Between the antiquated beliefs holding society and science back, to those same beliefs causing the persecution of women, homosexuals, "coloured" people, non-believers, etc., I feel there are more than enough reasons that I shouldn't have to explain myself.  And judging by that photo up there it's pretty obvious I'm not always so awesome at forming my thoughts and explanations into words.  I read a nice article today about the subject of not believing and why and I'd like to share it here.

Not all believers are desperate for this so-called seal of approval, but the writer of this article explains exactly who she's talking about right away.  Read it, she's a better writer than I.

lol the pope has a penis in his face!

1 comment:

  1. This blog site sucks. For whatever reason that text up there that's a different size than the rest won't change, no matter how many times I edit the post. What a load of hackneyed shit.
